Tuesday, March 5, 2013

New Pigg Settings and AmePigg`s Harlem Shake

Welcome to Ameba NEWS!
Today`s NEWS: New Pigg Settings
Hi there! How are you? Long time no news like 4 days. Yesterday, Madame Clars posted an english explanation about the new Pigg Settings. She posted a photo of the translation of it to help you in your privacy if you don`t want strangers on your room, like that.
To Zoom: https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/541393_337780222990220_1911491986_n.jpg
2. "Friends goes directly to"
When your friends/other people come to your room, you may choose the FIRST PLACE where they`ll appear. If you choose "Outdoor room" or Yard, then when your friends/other people come to your room they`ll appear is at your Outdoor room/Yard. If you choose "Indoor room", the 1st place where they`ll appear is at your Indoor room.
3."Your pigg goes directly to"
When YOUR Pigg come to your room, you may choose the FIRST PLACE where it will appear. If you choose "Outdoor room" or Yard, then when your pigg goes to your room, the 1st place where it will appear is at your Outdoor room/Yard. If you choose "Indoor room", the 1st place where it will appear is at your Indoor room.
4. Chat Notification
On this setting, you can choose weather other people can read all the chats in all room or not. If you choose "In all rooms", then you and your friends will be able to read each others chat in ALL rooms. If you choose "Only at your place",  then you and your friends only will be able to read each others chat on the place where you are in (in 1 room).
Enjoy! ^_^

SHOWBIZ NEWS: AmePigg Magazine goes Harlem Shake!
Here is the video:

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1 comment:

  1. ty ameba news! this helped me so much! :D
