Sunday, June 30, 2013

Pico is Coming Back and Let`s Dive

Welcome to Ameba News!
This week`s NEWS: Pico is Coming Back?
Hi readers! Just this Friday (June 28, 2013), there was many Pico-Pigg users shared and like a believable post. The post of the Pigg user says that she sent an E-mail on CyberAgent America and many people shocked because CyberAgent America group replied her mail and said that Pico will be back on 2014 or 2015 and Pico will be available on Mobile Phones. Also, she said that she saw 'Coming Soon' on CyberAgent America`s blog. We noticed that she commented that she will re-post the post again.
Yesterday, we visit again the page but the post is already deleted by its administrator. If ever that post was true, why would the administrator delete the post that gained many likes and shares that will help people to know? There is NO verification yet if Ameba Pico will be back.

As a part of WiderAN, we`ll now giving you 2in1 news, 2 news in 1 published post! A post may contain; 1 Pigg game update and 1 Pigg showbiz update, 2 Pigg game updates or 1-2 Pigg showbiz update/s. Wait, there`s more! Sometimes, we`ll add Pigg TIPS for you, our beloved readers!

This week`s 2nd NEWS: Let`s Dive
Hi readers! Do you know how to swim? Which do you prefer, swimming or diving? There is a new place on pigg were you can not just swim but you can dive under the sea. The user you see on the photos is our friend, Zays. Maybe your question is, how to go/dive under the water? It`s simple, just click the water and your avatar will dive wearing goggles.
If you reached the lowest part, find the treasure chest, fight the big octopus, then click the treasure chest and you will get a special item. Enjoy!

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Saturday, June 22, 2013

Gummie Gacha and Thundar`s Lemonade

Welcome to Ameba News!
This week`s NEWS: Gummie Gacha
Hi readers! Do you save gummies to buy space suit? If you have save too much gummies and you don`t know where to spend it, you must go now to Gupiggu park and play the gacha. Every spin on the gacha costs 100 gummies per spin so make sure you`ll spin wisely. You can get items with gummies design and if you are lucky, you can get the gummies designed clothes.
While i was on Facebook, i saw this two photos showing that they got a casino item by just playing gummie gacha.
These photos are not yet verified if they used to cheat to get it or if it is just an edited photo.

SHOWBIZ NEWS: A humorous photo that Thundar posted on his page of his Pigg avatar holding an umbrella with this description,"I swear, It`s only Lemonade!" gained many likes and comments. Here is the photo:

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Saturday, June 15, 2013


Welcome to Ameba News!
This week`s NEWS: Umbrellas
Hi readers! Is it still summer there on your country? It seems that some parts on Asia is starting to experience rainy season this June. Maybe you are asking if what`s the connection of rainy season on the title of our news this week. It is because Pigg made an awesome thing that is perfect for some players of the game who are experiencing rain today and it is ... Umbrellas!
Of course, you can buy pink umbrellas (for girls) at affordable price and if you do not want to buy, just go to the place and click the stand umbrellas.
Then there you have it, enjoy!

Pigg TIPS: How to get many props?
It`s simple, just be friendly and not only props you can gain but also new good friends.

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Sunday, June 9, 2013

Welcome Back to Ameba News

Welcome to Ameba News!
Hi readers, how are you? It was very long time since our last post was published. We apologize to all who waited for our coming back last May, 2013 but we promise that we will start making news again starting this Saturday (June 15, 2013). We are thanking all who are still supporting us even we have now many news competitors.
Here in Ameba News, we offer you a great news about the latest pigg game updates and latest pigg showbiz happenings.
-Kerzs & Alice

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